"Zane knew himself to be a headstrong young idiot with delusions of artistry and literacy." - Piers Anthony (On A Pale Horse)

Sunday, May 15, 2005


This feels like a movie Ben Stiller turned down.

This isn't an unfunny movie...

Look, this isn't a particularly good movie. It's slow, predictable, and suprisingly bland. Will Ferrell does his Will Ferrell thing and if you like that thing, then you will enjoy pieces of this movie.

Will Ferrell.

It's problems aren't Will Ferrell, the kids, or the kid's parents. Blame the script. Will Ferrell does everything in his power to save this film.

Will Ferrell. Will Ferrell.

If you like Will Ferrell and there is nothing else out you are interested in seeing... go see Kicking & Screaming. (Will Ferrell)
If you are the type of person that laughs a anything... go see Kicking & Screaming.
If you are an adult with the sense-of-humor of and 11-year old... go see Kicking & Screaming.
Everyone else... don't bother.
...except Will Ferrell.


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