"Zane knew himself to be a headstrong young idiot with delusions of artistry and literacy." - Piers Anthony (On A Pale Horse)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Sydney Pollack is still the man. This is a solid political-suspense thriller. I was a little annoyed bt all the shots that start out of focus but, once things got rolling, either they stopped happening, or I stopped noticing.

The film feels a little long (it is only 2h8m but it feels closer to 2.5h).

Sean Penn is as Sean Penn does (this time he is CIA and has a dead wife), Nicole Kidman's accent doesn't get in the way, Catherine Keener did a good job showing up for her nonexistent roll, and Sydney Pollack manages to do a bang-up job directing himself. Then again, as I've stated before, Sydney Pollack is the man.


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