"Zane knew himself to be a headstrong young idiot with delusions of artistry and literacy." - Piers Anthony (On A Pale Horse)

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Mad props to Rodriguez for going around everyone and everything to make this movie the only way it could have been made.

This is a groundbreaking and revolutionary film. It is georgeous, well acted, and interesting. It was a little slow at times but that happens with faithful adaptations.

This is a film that needs to be seen in theaters (if only to encourage more filmmakers to take more risks).

Okay, the review-for-the-masses is over. From here on out is where I let my geek shine.

I would liked to have seen a little more effort put into this film. I feel like they only gave 90%. Let me state, right here and now, that i am NOT a purist-fan of the comics. I read the comics once about 4 years ago. This is strictly an observation from a filmic standpoint.

The film is the comic. Camera angles match the panels. Dialogue is as it was. This film IS the comic. Now, There are some shots that are completely black & white (no grey), just like the comic. Why, then, was there any grey at all anywhere in the film. If you are going to do the comic... do the comic. Don't just do it when it seems easy or absolutely necessary for effect.

That is my only gripe. I really enjoyed this film. I'm glad it got made and I'm glad it got made right. This is not a perfect film but it IS a damn good one.


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